I-30 ye-Elegant and Easy Prosecco Cocktail Recipes

Amagama Aphezulu Ebantwaneni

Inyani: Intwanana yeprosecco ekhazimlayo iya kwenza nasiphi na isiselo sibe mnandi ngakumbi. Gcoba enye yezi zilula, iiresiphi ze-cocktail kwixesha elizayo xa ufuna ukuchukumisa iintombi zakho. Okanye abazali bakho. Okanye heck, wena. Nokuba ufuna i-punch ekholisa abantu abaninzi Ubusuku boNyaka oMtsha bash okanye isiselo esihlaziyayo se-a ibrunch yehlobo , Nazi 30 prosecco cocktails ngalo lonke ithuba.

ENXULUMENEYO: 27 Iicocktails zeWhisky zokufudumeza uMphefumlo Wakho ngoku kwendla kunye nasebusika

proseco cocktails irharnati Foodie Crush

1. Irharnati kunye ne-Orange Punch

Iityhubhu zomkhenkce ezinembewu yerharnati kunye namagqabi e-mint zongeza i-wow factor eyongezelelweyo.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails cranberry mint holiday punch recipe UErin McDowell

2. Cranberry-Mint Holiday Punch

Le cocktail ye-batch enkulu iya kugcina i-coupes igcwele ngaphandle kwengxabano.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails emkhenkceni aperol spritz iresiphi Icwecwe

3. IAperol Spritz engumkhenkce

Yinxalenye enye ye-boozy, iinxalenye ezimbini ezihlaziyayo kunye neepesenti ezili-100 zesiselo sethu esitsha sasehlotyeni esisithandayo.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka grapefruit prosecco cocktail iresiphi Ihagu eNtu

4. Grapefruit Prosecco Cocktail

Ngezithako ezine kuphela, akunakwenzeka ukumosha le. (Sebenzisa ijusi yegrapefruit esandula ukucudiswa ngamanqaku ebhonasi amakhulu.)

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails bourbon apple cider fizz cocktail iresiphi Ukutya Okungaka

5. I-Bourbon Apple Cider Fizz Cocktail

Le yeyona cocktail ilingana nejezi yakho yasebusika emnandi.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails st germain cocktail iresiphi Ibekwe kakuhle nguErin

6. ICocktail yaseSt Germain

I-St. Germain yi-elderflower liqueur. Ngamanqaku e-grapefruit, ipere, ilamuni kunye nejasmine, yeyona nto ifanelekileyo yokuchaphaza kwe-bubbly prosecco.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails raspberry limoncello prosecco iresiphi Damn Kumnandi

7. Raspberry Limoncello Prosecco

Tart, sweet and bubbly, le cocktail inakho konke.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails ehlwahlwazayo apple sangria iresiphi Icephe Fork Bacon

8. Iapile elikhazimlayo iSangria

Yicinge njengejusi yeapile ehlwahlwazayo… kubantu abadala.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails grapefruit cardamom gin fizz iresiphi Indawo yangoku

9. IGrapefruit yeCardamom Gin Fizz

I-cardamon efudumeleyo kunye ne-rosemary yomhlaba yenza isibini esihle se-gin kunye ne-prosecco, awucingi?

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails lemon raspberry sorbet prosecco ezidadayo iresiphi Indlela Ukutya Okuswiti

10. ILemon Raspberry Sorbet Prosecco Floats

Siza kube sisitya i-ayisikrimu yethu kunye necala le-booze enegwebu ukusuka ngoku ukuya phambili, nceda kwaye enkosi.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails bellini cocktail iresiphi Cookie kunye Kate

11. ICocktail yaseBellini entsha

I-Brunch yafowuna, kwaye ikruqukile yile mimosa endala. Tshintsha izinto ngejusi yepesika entsha, eswiti.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka 10 Yintoni uGaby aphekayo

12. IiSpritzers zeStrawberry Thyme Lillet

Mhle njengomzobo, onamanqaku athambileyo eherbal ekugqibeleni.

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktails margarita 40 Iifaskoti

13. UProsecco Margaritas

Yenza le recipe yebhetshi enkulu ekholisekileyo phambi kwexesha yeyona fiesta ilula.

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktail grapefruit mimosa Okwenyani kwaye Udlamkile

14. I-Grapefruit iMimosa

Tart, crisp kwaye ihamba oh-kakuhle ngayo nayiphi na into iresiphi ye-brunch .

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktails ivatala Whitney Bond

15. I-Watermelon Mint Punch

Le punch yepati ihlobo eglasini.

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktails lula champagne cocktail Spook Fork Bacon

16. I-Cocktail yeChampagne elula

Ukuba ukudibanisa i-bitters kunye ne-Champagne (okanye i-prosecco) kwaye uyibiza ngokuba yi-cocktail ayilungile, asifuni ukuba silungile.

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktails igazi orange Isiqingatha esiBaked Harvest

17. Igazi eli-Orenji leMule

Ibhiya yejinja + ijusi entsha ye-orenji yegazi + ene-prosecco ekhazimlayo = hayi imeyile yakho eqhelekileyo.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails french75 Ndinike Ioveni

18. IsiFrentshi 75

Lungiselela yonke into ngaphandle kweprosecco ngaphambi kwexesha-emva koko uphezulu nge-bubbly xa inkampani ifika.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail apple cider Ibekwe kakuhle nguErin

19. Apple Cider Champagne Cocktail

Iibhotile ze-bubbly ayizozehlobo kuphela. Le cocktail enezithako ezintathu zeprosecco yenzelwe ukuba ifunjwe ngosuku olupholileyo lokuwa.

Fumana iresiphi

proseco cocktails raspberry punch Ifoto: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

20. Raspberry-Lime Champagne Punch

Ndiyabulela kwi-sweet-tart combo ye-raspberry kunye ne-lime, awuyi kuqaphela i-vodka kule punch. Zicinge ukuba ulunyukisiwe.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail fig smash Isiqingatha esiBaked Harvest

21. Umkhiwane Ubusi Thyme Prosecco Smash

Utywala be-Elderflower bujika oku i-cocktail yasekwindla phezulu kunotshi.

Fumana iResiphi

prosecco cocktail uphayinaphu Damn Kumnandi

22. IPinapple Prosecco Punch

Khonza ngesitulo elwandle kunye nethamo lokukhanya kwelanga.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails ipesika spritz Isiqingatha esiBaked Harvest

23. I-Balsamic Peach Spritz

Iviniga ye-balsamic yongeza i-tart splash kwesi siselo esimnandi se-bubbly.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail ipayinapile iqunube U-AVERIE UPHEKILE

24. Ipayinapile eGqiweyo yeStrawberry Lemonade Prosecco Sangria

Iphayinaphu yokosa ikhupha iswekile yendalo yesiqhamo. Yikhonze ngenye yezi emva kwendlu uyatya .

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktails aperol spritz Ukutya eKhaya

25. Aperol Spritz

Awukwazi ukungahambi kakuhle ngeklasikhi.

Fumana iResiphi

ENXULUMENEYO: I-15 yeendlela ezilula zeCocktail onokuthi uzenze ekhaya (Ngezinto esele ziseKhitshini yakho)

prosecco cocktail zokupheka amaro spritz iresiphi Katherine Gillen

26. Amaro Spritz

Okanye utshintshe i-Aperol nge-aperitif encinci, ekrakra kakhulu-umahluko bubusuku nemini.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka kir royale Cookie kunye Kate

27. IKir Royale

Ubunathi kwi berry liqueur. (Le tipple ngokuqhelekileyo yenziwe ngeChampagne, kodwa iprosecco nayo isebenza kakuhle-qiniseka ukuba ukhetha eyomileyo.)

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka apple cider prosecco spritz iresiphi Indlela Ukutya Okuswiti

28. Apple Cider Prosecco Spritz

Ngaba ngumlilo oqhekezayo lowo siwuvayo? Hayi, yifizz nje yokuchaphaza kweprosecco.

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka ipesika melba raspberry rose bellini cocktail iresiphi Ityuwa kunye nomoya

29. Peach Melba Raspberry Rosé Bellini Cocktail

Ngumlomo ngeyona ndlela ingcono. (Ibhonasi: Ungayenza ngebhetshi enkulu.)

Fumana iresiphi

prosecco cocktail zokupheka iholide cheermeister bourbon punch iresiphi Isiqingatha esiBaked Harvest

30. IHolide yeCheermeister Bourbon Punch

Ngegama elifana neCheermeister, ungenza njani hayi Yonwabele?

Fumana iresiphi

ENXULUMENEYO: IChampagne, iCava, iProsecco: Yintoni uMahluko phakathi kweWayini eziNcincisayo?

I-Horoscope Yakho Yangomso