I-45 Best Air Fryer Recipes, ukusuka kwi-Chicken Wings ukuya kwi-Brussels Sprouts

Amagama Aphezulu Ebantwaneni

Ukuqhotsa ukutya kwioyile eshushu: Iziphumo zirhabaxa kwaye zimnandi, kodwa kufuneka sibekwimo elungileyo (kwaye sibe nexesha) lokujongana nokutshiza okungenakuthintelwa. Ngena i ifryer yomoya , eyona ndlela ilula ukusuka kwiqanda ukuya kwifries yaseFransi—kwaye akukho nethontsi yeoli efunekayo. Nazi ezona 45 zibalaseleyo ifryer yomoya iiresiphi zokuzama abaqalayo kunye nabanobuchule ngokufanayo.

EZIQHELEKILEYO: IiFryer zoMoya ezili-11 eziKalwe kakuhle ngo-2021

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer yomoya yenkukhu iresiphi Ikhitshi ecocekileyo yeLexi

1. Iithenda zeeNkukhu zomoya eziFryer

Isidlo sangokuhlwa esithandwa ngabantwana bakho sibe sempilweni ngakumbi. Kwaye ngenxa yomgubo we-almond, iithenda azinayo i-gluten, nazo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer air fries Umgxeki weResiphi

2. I-Air Fryer French Fries

Fries ezine kwimizuzu engama-30? Sakhe saphupha ngale nto kanye.

Fumana iresiphi

best fryer air recipes bacon fryer air Imikhono emibini

3. I-Air Fryer Bacon

Ukunciphisa umsi we-bacon grease, beka amanzi, isonka okanye i-foil phantsi kwebhaskiti.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka i-air fryer ecocekileyo yokutya i-air fryer eqhotsiweyo i-brussels sprouts recipe I-Gracious Pantry

4. Ukutya okucocekileyo okuRostiweyo iBrussels Sprouts

Ziphose nje kwioyile, imifuno kunye nesinongo phambi kokuba umoya uziqhotse de zibe zithenda.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona iresiphi yefryer yomoya iflanti yesweet potato cauliflower patties ICotter Crunch

5. IiPati zePotato zeCauliflower

Ukubophelela ii-flaxseeds kunye ne-arrowroot starch zigcina ezi cuties zombini i-vegan kunye ne-gluten-free.

Fumana iresiphi

best air fryer zokupheka amaphiko nyathi Umama 100

6. Amaphiko eNkukhu yeNyathi yoMoya eFryer

Ukuba ubunocingo malunga nokufumana i-air fryer, vumela oku usuku lomdlalo Kubalulekile ukuba ube yiresiphi yokukuhenda.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokuqhotsa umoya esempilweni yeGluten yasimahla yePaleo Avocado Fries Recipe Recipe Ubomi Benziwe Bumnandi

7. IiAvocado Fries

Zibeke kwibhega, ziphakele ngamaqanda okanye ziwonwabele zodwa, zifakwe kwi-lemony yeCajun mayo.

Fumana iresiphi

best air fryer zokupheka inkukhu kunye waffles Hlala Uhluthiwe

8. Inkukhu eQisiweyo yoMoya kunye neeWaffles

I-waffles efriziwe kunye namaphiko emizuzu engama-30 kulula. Ngoku inxalenye enzima: i-sauce eshushu okanye isiraphu?

Fumana iresiphi

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9. I-Air Fryer Eyosiwe iBrokholi yaseAsia

Gcwalisa ngegalikhi, i-sriracha kunye namandongomane anetyuwa.

Fumana iresiphi

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10. Iikeyiki zePaleo Salmon eziphantsi kweCarb ephantsi

I-curry powder ephuzi yenza yonke into enzima yokuphakamisa i-flavour-wise, ngelixa i-coconut flakes inika amaqebelengwane awo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona fryer air recipes pepperoni pizza Hlala Uhluthiwe

11. I-Air Fryer Pepperoni Pizza

Izithako ezintlanu, imizuzu elishumi kunye nayo yonke i-mozz. (Ukusebenzisa ipita yengqolowa endaweni yentlama yepizza konga ixesha elininzi.)

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yesiqhotyo somoya keto air fryer recipes steak with chimichurri Ifolokhwe ukuya kwicephe

12. I-Flank Steak kunye ne-Homemade Chimichurri Sauce

Ngaba ufuna i-steak ethambileyo enoqweqwe lwangaphandle olunomtsalane? Vumela inyama ukuba iphumle ubuncinane imizuzu engama-30 kwaye ufudumeze i-fryer yomoya ngaphambi kokuba uqale.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Airfryer Parmesan Dill Fried Pickle Chips The Creative Bite 1 ikopi I-Creative Bite

13. Air Fryer Parmesan Dill Fried Pickle Chips

Kupholile ukuba sinesitya esipheleleyo soku kunye necala lefama yesidlo sangokuhlwa?

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer yomoya yeparmesan shrimp iresiphi Bitz & Giggles

14. I-Air Fryer Parmesan Shrimp

Zinamathisele nge-toothpicks kwi-appetizer yemizuzu eyi-10 okanye ubakhonze phezu kwepasta okanye irayisi kwisidlo esipheleleyo.

Fumana iresiphi

best air fryer zokupheka umzantsi wehagu chops Hlala Uhluthiwe

15. Iinqunqa zenyama yehagu yeSimbo saseMzantsi

I-buttermilk brine ingundoqo kwi-breading crispy breading.

Fumana iresiphi

best air fryer zokupheka Air Fryer Chicken Parmesan picture Ukutya Ukholo Lokufaneleka

16. Air Fryer Chicken Parmesan

Yintoni i-saucy, i-cheesy kwaye ilungile kwi-20? Isidlo sangokuhlwanje, kunjalo. Khonza ngecala lepasta okanye kumqulu.

Fumana iresiphi

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17. I-Bacon kunye neCream Cheese Stuffed Jalapeño Poppers

Ezi zandla zine Super Bowl ngeCawa zibhalwe kuzo zonke. Kwaye kuba bathatha imizuzu eli-15 kuphela ukuqhwaba, uya kuba nexesha elininzi lokubukela umdlalo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokuqhotsa umoya iVegan Keto Buffalo Cauliflower Wings iresiphi ifoto Ubomi Benziwe Bumnandi

18. Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower

Xa kuziwa kwi-appetizers ye-vegan, i-buffalo cauli yile b**** ngesizathu.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer Roast Chicken post Bitz & Giggles

19. Air Fryer Roast Chicken

Isixhobo sasekhitshini ngelixesha singajongana nentaka eyi-4½-pound ngaphantsi kweyure.

Fumana iresiphi

best fryer air recipes air fryer salmon Umgxeki weResiphi

20. I-Air Fryer Salmon

Lahla i-asparagus kwibhasikithi kunye nentlanzi ukuze ulungiselele i-veggie yakho kunye neprotheni kwi-shot enye.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer emoyeni iibhega Chitha ngeePennies

21. IiHamburgers zoMoya

Xa kubanda kakhulu ukuba ungatshisa igrill, ngqiyama kwifryer yomoya yeebhega ezinamaziko anejusi kunye neecrusts zangaphandle ezikrwada.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer Potatoes 7 Zive Good Foodie

22. Iitapile zoMoya

Munch 'em njengeefries ze-wedge okanye usebenze njengecala lenyama yenkomo okanye yenkukhu. (Isilumkiso: Abantwana bakho intando cela imizuzwana.)

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokuqhotsa umoya eSicilian Pizza 10 Iikeyiki zikaMkhulu

23. I-Pizza yaseSicilian

I-air fryer yenza wonke umsebenzi we ilitye lepizza kwisiqingatha sexesha.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air fryer 5 Zive Good Foodie

24. Air Fryer Fish & Chips

Siza kuthatha eyethu igalelwe ijusi yelamuni kunye neviniga ye-malt, enkosi.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer yomoya kofta Imikhono emibini

25. Kofta Kebab

Kuhlala kukho indawo kwipleyiti yethu yesi siqhelo saseTurkey. Yenza inyama yenkomo kwi-oven yakho ukuba awunayo i-air fryer, okanye kwi-grill ukuba imozulu ivumela.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka i-Air Fryer Amaqanda abilisiwe aqinileyo 6 Zive Good Foodie

26. Air Fryer Amaqanda aqinileyo

Akukho mbiza yamanzi enuka kakubi efunekayo. Ngubani obesazi ukuba ungenza isidlo sakusasa seveki ngemizuzu engama-22?

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp 10 Zive Good Foodie

27. Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp

Bamba i-vat yeoli-kodwa musa ukuphosa i-coconut ekhutshiweyo okanye i-sauce emnandi yokudipha.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer air fryer meatloaf Ubomi Bam Bokubunjwa

28. Air Fryer Meatloaf

Ayifumani isikolo esidala kunemeatloaf enyakazisa iglaze emdaka yeswekile-ketchup.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Pickle Brined Chicken Tenders 3 Zive Good Foodie

29. Iithenda zeNkukhu enePickle Brined

Kwimeko apho ubufuna esinye isizathu sokuba ube nengqayi ijusi yepikile edekhini ngamaxesha onke.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yeFryer Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Zive Good Foodie

30. I-Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries

Isitshixo kwiifries ezikrwada rhoqo? Ukusika iitapile ngokufanayo ukuze bapheke ngokulinganayo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona minqathe yefryer yomoya Ubomi Bam Bokubunjwa

31. Iikherothi zeFryer Air

Zenze zibe nencasa ngomxube wemifuno kunye netshizi yeParmesan, okanye iswiti ngebhotolo kunye neswekile emdaka.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer Taco Calzone ikopi yomfanekiso I-Creative Bite

32. Taco Calzones

Jongana nayo: Imenyu yakho ye-taco yangoLwesibini inexesha elide. Sukuba nexhala, intlama yepizza ethengiweyo evenkileni inokugcina imini.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yesiqhotho somoya yebbq yehagu yehagu Ifolokhwe ukuya kwicephe

33. I-BBQ ye-Pork Tenderloin

Isosi yakho yebarbecue oyithandayo kwivenkile iya kujika incangathi kwaye ifakwe kwi-caramelized kwifryer yomoya.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yesiqhotho somoya izinti zemozzarella zamasi Umama 100

34. Iintonga zeMozzarella zoMoya weFryer

Ziphathe kwisitya sesibini seqanda kunye nesonka sesonka: Kuya kugcina iintonga ze-mozz zithontsiza kanye kwirack njengoko zinyibilika.

Fumana iresiphi

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35. Iimbambo zeBBQ zeAir Fryer

Kumbuzo wakudala werabha okanye isosi, le resiphi ithi: ¿Por qué no los dos?

Fumana iresiphi

best fryer air recipes zokupheka air fyer baked potato Umama 100

36. Iitapile eziBakiweyo zomoya

Itshizi yeCheddar, i-bacon bits kunye ne-sour cream azikhethi ngokupheleleyo. (Nangona ukhuthazwa kakhulu.)

Fumana iresiphi

Eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer yomoya efakwe i-artichokes yomntwana iresiphi kunye nesipinatshi kunye nekhrimu yetshizi 14 Yum entle

37. I-Artichokes yomntwana egcweleyo

Zigqabhuka ngeyona nto ilula, idiphu yesipinatshi etshizi kakhulu ukuze uhombise itafile yakho.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-air fryer yomoya wesonka samasi esosiweyo Umama 100

38. IiSandwitshi zetshizi eziqhotsiweyo zomoya

Tshintshela ukuzaliswa kumxholo wentliziyo yakho, makube ziiapile ezisikiweyo okanye itswele lecaramelized.

Fumana iresiphi

best iiresiphi zefryer emoyeni iibhola zenyama Chitha ngeePennies

39. Iibhola zeMeatballs zoMoya oneNcinci

Ziyeyona nto iphambili yokugalelwa kwi-marinara okanye isosi ye-pesto… ukuba awuzityi zonke ngqo kwibhaskithi kuqala, oko kukuthi.

Fumana iresiphi

best air fryer zokupheka imifuno ibhotolo dinner rolls Ifolokhwe ukuya kwicephe

40. I-Herb Butter Dinner Rolls

Zange sikubone ukukhazimla okukhawulezayo kunezi rolls ezikhenkcezisiweyo zebhotolo zigalelwe uthuli lwesinongo sase-Italian.

Fumana iresiphi

best fryer air zokupheka steak kebabs Ubomi Bam Bokubunjwa

41. Steak Kebabs

Qinisekisa ukuba ubeke i-baby bella mushroom, i-anyanisi ebomvu kunye ne-pepper eluhlaza ngokulinganayo ukuze i-skewers ipheke ngesantya esifanayo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka yefryer air brownies Ubomi Bam Bokubunjwa

42. I-Air Fryer Brownies

BRB, sizingela eyona ice cream inkulu esinayo.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer ye-Apile Pie Chimichangas 10 Ihagu eNtu

43. Air Fryer Apple Pie Chimichanga

Ngokusisiseko yi-dessert burrito eqhotsiweyo efakwe i-caramel kunye ne-apile yeswekile yesinamon. Ngaba sifuna ukuthetha ngakumbi?

Fumana iresiphi

eyona ndlela yokupheka ye-Air Fryer Oreos 7 Bitz & Giggles

44. Air Fryer Oreos

Ulibale ngokuxambulisana ne-drippy batter. Ezi gems zecarnival zenziwe ngentlama yeCrescent roll ethengwe evenkileni.

Fumana iresiphi

eyona fryer air iiresiphi zemaple pecan imivalo Imikhono emibini

45. IiBars zeMaple Pecan ezineTyuwa yoLwandle

Hellooooo, ekwindla. Krwela umrhawuzelo wakho wepayi kwiqhezu lexesha elithathayo ukukhupha uqweqwe lwemveli.

Fumana iresiphi

EZIQHELEKILEYO: Iincwadi zokupheka ezili-15 eziGqwesileyo zoMoya onokuziNgenisa kwiShelufu yakho

I-Horoscope Yakho Yangomso